When young people enter the workforce with job skills on one hand and social and environmental concerns on the other – but little practical knowledge to integrate their responsibilities to employers and the public – productivity and staff satisfaction suffer.
That's why Vermillion will translate the locally-feasible solutions uncovered in the regional streams of the Innovators in Sustainability project to develop age- appropriate engagement and school projects, such as field trips to see firsthand what responsible operations look like; at college & practitioner levels, the research will be used to create locally-relevant resources and workplace- relevant training programs so young people will be more empowered and productive throughout their careers.
If you see any fits between your objectives and ours, we invite you to discover how Vermillion research led to this program, and what you can do to demonstrate thought leadership and help us empower the next generation of workers. Please contact us to learn more.
Develop local events
Would you or your group like to use our event templates to organize tours of local Innovators in Sustainability?
Contact us to learn about the roles and responsibilities.